Ceremony Details

Graduate Commencement 

Doctoral, Master degrees 
Friday, May 16, 2025
3:00 p.m. Ceremony Begins
1:30 p.m. Pinnacle Bank Arena doors open to public 
Pinnacle Bank Arena
400 Pinnacle Arena Drive, Lincoln, NE 68508

The ceremony is expected to last 2.5 hours


College of Law Commencement 

Juris Doctor degrees 
Saturday, May 3, 2025
2:00 p.m. Ceremony Begins

The ceremony is expected to last 1.5-2 hours

More information on this ceremony

Undergraduate Commencement 

Baccalaureate degrees 
Saturday, May 17, 2025
Morning Commencement - 9:00 a.m. Ceremony Begins
7:30 a.m. Pinnacle Bank Arena doors open to public 
Pinnacle Bank Arena
400 Pinnacle Arena Drive, Lincoln, NE 68508

  • College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 
  • College of Architecture 
  • College of Business 
  • Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts 
  • College of Journalism and Mass Communications 
  • College of Public Affairs and Community Service 


Afternoon Commencement - 3:00 p.m. Ceremony Begins 
1:30 p.m. Pinnacle Bank Arena doors open to public  
Pinnacle Bank Arena 
400 Pinnacle Arena Drive, Lincoln, NE 68508 

  • College of Arts and Sciences 
  • College of Education and Human Sciences 
  • College of Engineering 

All guests, students and staff will be subject to security screening at the entrance. Please plan for extra time and follow the Pinnacle Bank Arena clear bag policy to prevent time delays.

Register To Attend

Do May 2025 graduating students need to sign up to attend the commencement ceremonies?
  • Yes.
  • On Friday, April 4, 2025, graduating students will receive a notification at their @huskers.unl.edu email account from the Office of the University Registrar requesting them to complete the Commencement and Diploma Form in MyRED. Students need to log into MyRED and complete the MyRED To-Dos, including the Commencement and Diploma Form.
  • Commencement Attendance form registration will open Friday, April 4 and must be completed by Friday, April 18. 
  • Juris Doctor students should contact Katie Pfannenstiel in the College of Law to register to attend commencement. Contact Katie at kabp@unl.edu or 402-472-8382.
  • Doctoral degree participants must invite one faculty advisor/mentor to be seated on the arena floor and escort them to the stage for hooding. Doctoral participants should have already completed the Hooding Participation Form. If that has not been completed, please do so now. Doctoral students will still need to complete the Commencement Diploma form in MyRED.
  • Doctoral degree candidates should direct degree completion questions to Dr. Eva Bachman in Graduate Studies.
  • Master degree candidates should direct any questions to Terri Eastin in Graduate Studies.

Ceremony Details

Academic Regalia is required in order to participate in Commencement. Prior to the start of your ceremony please confirm you have all your regalia items: your cap with tassel, gown and hood (graduates only) or stole (undergraduates only). If you are missing any items, visit the University Bookstore in the Nebraska Union on city campus Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Contact the bookstore via phone at 402-472-7300 with questions.

Graduate Commencement on Friday, May 16

  • 1:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m. for the 3:00 p.m. Student and Faculty Check-in.
  • All graduates and faculty must be checked-in no later than 2:20 for the ceremony.
  • Graduates will enter Pinnacle Bank Arena via the south lobby entrance (off R Street). Look for the sign that denotes Graduate Only Entrance.

Undergraduate Commencement on Saturday, May 17

  • 7:30 a.m.-8:20 a.m. Undergraduate Student Check-in for MORNING Commencement
  • 1:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m. Undergraduate Student Check-in for AFTERNOON Commencement
  • All graduates and faculty must be checked-in no later than 8:20 a.m. for the morning ceremony or no later than 2:20 p.m. for the afternoon ceremony.
  • Graduates will enter Pinnacle Bank Arena via the south lobby entrance (off R Street). Look for the sign that denotes Graduate Only Entrance.
  • 2025 Spring Commencement ceremonies will be held in Pinnacle Bank Arena, as Husker Athletics prepares Memorial Stadium for the upcoming football season, including updates to Tom Osborne Field.

Ceremony Details for Graduate and Undergraduate Commencements

  • Please bring your NCard for check-in. If you do not have an NCard, please bring a photo form of ID and your NU ID number.
  • You will be given a name/number card at check-in to find your place in the processional line up. Please bring this card to the stage with you to receive your diploma.
  • Clear bag policies must be followed.
  • Limited coat room space will be available, so we recommend leaving any personal items and coats with family and friends as you will not be able to carry them with you during the processional/ceremony. We are not responsible for lost items.
  • Accommodations: The university is committed to full access and reasonable accommodation for all who participate in commencement events.
    • If you are a graduate with a permanent or temporary disability and need assistance during the ceremony, please contact the Office of the University Registrar by Friday, April 18. You can reach us by email at gradservices.registrar@unl.edu
    • American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation - Graduates requesting ASL interpreters for commencement should email us at gradservices.registrar@unl.edu by Friday, April 18. Open captioning will be provided on stadium screens.



You will receive your diploma when crossing the stage. If you indicated you will not be participating in response to the Commencement and Diploma Form in MyRED, your diploma will be mailed to the address indicated.

  • All graduates will process to the stage as directed by the University Marshals.
  • Please take your name/number card with you to the stage.
  • Pictures will be taken during the ceremony by GradImages.
  • You will proceed across the stage to receive your diploma or certificate and congratulations from the Chancellor or College Dean, and then exit via the ramp and return to your seat.
  • You will hand your name/number card to the photographer's assistant toward the end of the ramp when you are exiting.
  • For the courtesy of all participants, we ask that you stay for the entire ceremony.
Will Commencement Be Streamed Live?
  • Yes.
  • For guests not able to join in person, commencement will be streamed live on the Commencement website.
  • The streaming will begin approximately 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the ceremony.

Guests and Entering Pinnacle Bank Arena

Do guests need tickets to attend Commencement at Pinnacle Bank Arena?
  • No. Tickets are not required for guests and there is no limit to the number of guests for each graduate.
  • Doors open to public at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, May 16 for the Graduate Ceremony, on Saturday, May 17 for the Undergraduate Ceremony morning ceremony opens for guest seating at 7:30 a.m. and Afternoon ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Guests should enter the Pinnacle Bank Arena via the southwest door along R Street.
  • Clear bag policies must be followed.
  • Seating Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible seating with one companion seat for commencement guests is available in sections 106, 107, 110, 112, 114, 117 and 118 on the main concourse level of the Pinnacle Bank Arena. Pre-registration is not required.
  • Guests are not allowed on the arena floor.
  • Representatives from the American Red Cross are present at UNL commencement and are located on Level 3 at Gate 112. If you need additional assistance or have questions about seating, please see an arena usher.
  • Concessions will be open during the ceremony serving: coffee, water and soft drinks.

Cap and Gown

What to expect when ordering regalia for the Commencement.
  • To participate in commencement ceremonies, every graduate is required to wear UNL academic regalia.
  • Undergraduate students will purchase and keep their UNL academic regalia, which consists of a gown, Nebraska red stole, cap and tassel.
  • Master’s degree students will purchase and keep their cap, tassel, hood and gown.
  • Juris Doctor students should contact Katie Pfannenstiel in the College of Law to order their regalia. Contact Katie at kabp@unl.edu or 402-472-8382.
  • Doctoral students will rent UNL branded gowns and hoods for commencement. Doctoral students will purchase and keep their cap or tam and tassel. Doctoral students are strongly encouraged to order their regalia on-line with the vendor Herff Jones.
  • For doctoral graduates ordering regalia from the Herff Jones vendor website, the vendor will supply doctoral students with a return box, prepaid mailing label and return information for the gown and hood. Doctoral graduates who pick up their regalia at Gradfest or the bookstore will receive return instructions from the bookstore.
  • If you are a doctoral graduate who would like to purchase and own custom academic regalia, please click on the "purchase fine quality doctor regalia" on the Herff Jones online ordering site.
How do I order my cap and gown for Commencement?

There are two options for ordering academic regalia for May 2025 commencement.


Order online through UNL vendor, Herff Jones.

  • To order and pay online for your regalia go to: the Herff Jones website.
  • Herff Jones will ship directly to the student-provided address, with delivery prior to commencement. International orders will be accepted, but shipping costs and deliveries may vary.
  • Herff Jones will accept regular, online shipment orders until April 21, 2025.
  • April 21, 2025 is the final deadline for domestic (U.S.) home shipment and the final closing date for online ordering. Please contact Herff Jones about international deliveries.


Attend Gradfest in person at the Wick Alumni Center (16th and R Street), lower level, Tuesday, April 29 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

  • No pre-ordering required.
  • Pay for academic regalia at Gradfest.
  • Graduate receives regalia at Gradfest.
  • After Gradfest, and once the Herff Jones website ordering is closed, caps and gowns can be purchased at the University Bookstore in the lower level of the Nebraska Union, City Campus.
  • All academic attire needs to be ordered online by the deadline date, picked up at Gradfest, or picked up at the University Bookstore by 5:00 p.m. Thursday, May 15, unless other arrangements have been made with the bookstore.
What is Gradfest?

Gradfest is a celebration event sponsored by the Nebraska Alumni Association.

Tuesday, April 29 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Wick Alumni Center (16th and R Street), lower level.

Details will also be sent via email to all graduates and posted on the Nebraska Alumni Association website.

At Gradfest students can:

  • Pick up in-person and pay for commencement regalia.
  • Purchase a diploma frame, class ring and other memorabilia.
  • Learn about the Nebraska Alumni Association membership.
  • Celebrate achievement.
  • After Gradfest, and once the Herff Jones website ordering is closed, caps and gowns can still be purchased at the University Bookstore in the Nebraska Union, City Campus.
Distinction Medals
  • Undergraduate students who have earned a distinction medallion through your college will be given the medal upon check-in the day of the commencement ceremony.
  • Graduate students who have been awarded fellowship medallions are encouraged to wear them at commencement.


  • Paid parking is available at city Park&Go parking garages and metered street parking around the Pinnacle Bank Arena (PBA).
  • R Street in front of the Pinnacle Bank Arena will be open for drop off for accessible needs guests.
  • Accessible parking is available in the paid city parking garages and the paid premium garage attached to Pinnacle Bank Arena.
  • Download a parking map PDF.


  • After check-in, look for the Photography area in the Haymarket Room if you wish to have a portrait photo taken by GradImages before the ceremony beings.
  • Every student crossing the stage during the ceremony will be photographed by GradImages. Photographs will be available to view and order within one week after the ceremony. To order, go to the GradImages website.
  • For additional help, call GradImages customer service department at 800-261-2576 or email giservice@gradimages.net.
  • Pre-register before commencement to save on your commencement photos.

Pre-Order Flowers for Your Graduate

  • Pre-order flowers online for your graduate by 9 p.m. on Wednesday, May 14.
  • All online orders will be available for pickup on-site the day of graduation. To retrieve your order for the ceremony, please stop by the commencement flower booth located conveniently in the south lobby of Pinnacle Bank Arena.
  • If you are unable to pre-order, flowers will also be available to purchase on-site the day of the ceremony at the commencement flower booth.